November 2nd: National Day of Action in Solidarity with Occupy Oakland and in Defense of the Occupy Movement Nationally


November 2nd: National Day of Action in Solidarity with Occupy Oakland and in Defense of the Occupy Movement Nationally

On October 25th, Occupy Oakland was brutally attacked by riot police. One protestor, Iraq veteran Scott Olson, remains in critical condition. But on Wednesday, thousands of protestors re-occupied Oscar Grant Plaza in courageous defiance of this attempt at repression. The Oakland General Assembly has called for a general strike on Wednesday, November 2nd. Given this call, and given the national attempt by mayors and police to repress and silence our movement, the Labor Outreach Committee of Occupy Wall Street is calling for a national day of action on November 2nd in solidarity with Occupy Oakland and in defense of the Occupy movement nationally. We urge students, labor, the unemployed and all members of the 99% to take action on that day to send a message that our movement will not be silenced.

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