Labor Speakers at 3/15 DC Antiwar Rally

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Labor Speakers International A.N.S.W.E.R. Anti-War Rally in Washington, DC (03/15/2003)

Gene Bruskin, U.S. Labor Against the War: 0:29:40
Michael Letwin, NYC Labor Against the War: 2:01:50
Josh Williams: Pres., DC Labor Council: 0:3:16


Voice of America, March 15, 2003

Anti-War Demonstrations Held Around the World

Michael Letwin, who represents a group called New York City Labor Against the War, said another conflict in the Persian Gulf will inevitably lead to more death and suffering. “Gulf War I killed 100,000 Iraqis and 12-years of U.N. sanctions have killed another one million, including 750,000 children under the age of five,” said Michael Letwin. “How many more Iraqis will die in Gulf War II? 58,000 GI’s, most of them working class and people of color, were killed in Vietnam. Nearly half the GI’s in Gulf War I have suffered Gulf War syndrome. Are we ready to sacrifice another generation for an empire run by Vietnam chicken hawks like Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld?”

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Washington Times, March 16, 2003

War protest draws thousands

Also among the speakers were Ramsey Clark, U.S. attorney general under President Johnson; Joslyn Williams, president of the D.C. Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO; and Gene Bruskin of U.S. Labor Against the War.

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