NYC Labor Against the War: 10.22 OWS Report: Occupy the Hood

NYC Labor Against the War
10.22 Occupy Wall Street Report:

Occupy the Hood

‘This movement is not ONLY about coming to Zuccotti Park everyday. It is not ONLY about making the NYC occupation and General Assembly the epicenter of our movement. It is about taking what we learn from each other in Zuccotti and taking it back to our communities to educate each other, have general assemblies and empower ourselves, our neighbors, and brothers and sisters to take action.’


More arrests coming for Wall St. protesters, Bloomberg says

The mayor did not specify what type of crackdown is coming or when it would begin. He also did not mention recent instances where the NYPD have already taken a hard line, including a widely publicized incident in which a cop pepper-sprayed a protester and mass arrests two weeks ago on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Parents For Occupy Wall Street Family Sleepover: 500 Parents And Children Gather In Zuccotti Park
When we asked parents who participated why they wanted to bring children to a protest, everyone voiced similar motivations. “I think it’s good for kids to participate in democracy,” said Megan Davidson, mother of two, ages 4 and 9. “This is what democracy looks like.”

Medical Triage at Encampment
At the National Nurses United tent, three nurses work six-hour shifts. Four doctors from PNHP also have signed up to volunteer, and several more have expressed interest. The city had threatened to dismantle the tent earlier in the week, according to the nurses group, but has allowed it to remain standing in recent days. Outside the tent, there is a “help yourself” first-aid station with bandages, antacid, witch hazel, calamine lotion and vitamins.

Occupy Wall St.
This movement is not ONLY about coming to Zuccotti Park everyday. It is not ONLY about making the NYC occupation and General Assembly the epicenter of our movement. It is about taking what we learn from each other in Zuccotti and taking it back to our communities to educate each other, have general assemblies and empower ourselves, our neighbors, and brothers and sisters to take action.


Sun., 10.22: Occupy the Bronx
On October 22nd, HISTORY in the Bronx continues to be made. “Occupy The Bronx” will hold a peaceful demonstration, representing the 99% of humanity. There are numerous causes being fought for, all spearheaded by a single principle…THE PEOPLE’s VOICE MUST BE HEARD. October 22nd, we will gather again at Fordham Plaza.

Sat., 10.28: Existence is Resistance Kuffeya Day at Occupy Wall Street
‎In solidarity with the people of Palestine, we are asking that on Oct. 28th everyone come to Liberty Plaza wearing their Kuffeya. EIR will be on site silk screening shirts for a $2 donation.

Sat., 10.28: Occupy Harlem Mobilization: ‘We stand in solidarity with Occupiers of Wall Street’
A call to Blacks, Latinos, and immigrants to occupy their communities against predatory investors, displacement, privatization and state repression. Let us assert our Dignity! WE MUST DEFEND OUR COMMUNITIES! THIS IS OUR STRUGGLE, THIS IS OUR MOMENT IN HISTORY. THIS IS PEOPLE’S POWER!


ATLANTA: Occupy Atlanta fights white image |
“If we are going to say we represent 99 percent of the people, then we have to represent them.”

BOSTON: Occupy The Hood unites with Boston
At Dudley Square, a diverse crowd of protesters gathered in a peaceful Occupy The Hood rally. Protesters mingled, shared thoughts and held up a variety of signs that read “Fight the Power,” “End Racial Profiling,” “Jobs Not Jails” and “BPD: Protect and Serve the Rich.”

LOS ANGELES: Homeowner taps ‘Occupy’ protest to avoid foreclosure
“It has a tremendous impact,” Marks said. “Now at OneWest you are going to see a lot more solutions. … The people getting (benefit from the protest) won’t even know that those two hundred people put themselves on the line.”

OAKLAND: Oakland orders Occupy protesters to leave plaza
‎”The eviction is just a small thing in the bigger struggle. I don’t think the struggle is going to dissipate in the near future at all. You have 400 to 500 people who have lived with each other for a week and dreamed to live in another world.”


AUSTRALIA: How the police brutally broken up occupy Melbourne in 21 Oct (Full Video) HD
In case you think Australia is a great peaceful country. Think again…the cops are animals.

BAHRAIN: The Bahraini medic who went to save lives and put her own in danger
Saffar spent five months in custody, enduring beatings, torture, sexual assault and threats of rape, before she was bailed in late August. On Sunday, Saffar and 19 other medics and paramedics will appeal against convictions – and sentences ranging between five and 20 years – that have been condemned by governments and medical associations around the world.

BANGLADESH: Bangladesh Movement against the One Percent |
Bangladesh Student’s Union holds a procession on Dhaka University campus Saturday protesting capitalism. Activists chant anti capitalism slogan and demanding socialism.

BOLIVIA: Bolivia scraps controversial highway plan
“But you notice that there aren’t a lot of celebrations going on right now. That is because they [the protesters] had over 15 different demands they wanted met by the president and it is unclear at this point, at least in their eyes, if he has met all those.”

CHILE: Occupy Chile: Student Protest Movement Accelerates
In a movement that appears to have taken elements of both the “Arab Spring” and “Occupy Wall Street,” the protests by students in the Latin American country have taken another dramatic turn. Dozens of high school and college students and other protesters occupies a Senate meeting for hours in the capital city of Santiago to push for new demands in reforming the education system.

PALESTINE: Gaza child artist responds to the censoring of his artwork
Even though the original exhibition was shut down — following sustained intimidation from local and national pro-Israel lobby groups — Ali’s artwork, and the artwork of the other children, has found a new home in a gallery space around the corner from MOCHA in downtown Oakland. The exhibit will be open until the end of November, and MECA has all the information on its website.

SYRIA: Activists: Syrian forces storm Damascus suburbs; 5 killed nationwide
Syrian activists say thousands of troops have fanned out through suburbs of the capital Damascus in search of regime opponents, arresting dozens of people.

U.K.: Occupy protesters vow to stay at St Paul’s cathedral
Earlier, Eqyptian activist Nawal El Saadawi, who was celebrating her 80th birthday, addressed the crowd on the steps of the cathedral. Hours after flying in from Cairo, she likened the tents around St Paul’s to those that occupied Tahrir Square during the uprising: “All over the world it’s a global revolution. We must fight together.”


Immortal Technique on #ows, Obama, 2012 election, Ron Paul, Immigration, Bloomberg

Why Occupy Wall Street wants nothing to do with our politicians
Then there’s Barack Obama. The guy we all wanted to love. With his usual charm, he empathized with the Occupy-ers, said not everyone in Corporate America was playing by the rules and, once again, took us on a stroll down Main Street. But in the tug of war between Main Street and Wall Street, Obama has made his loyalties clear. Just take a look at the long list of Wall Street contributors to his campaign. Unfortunately, Mr. President, you are the company you keep.

The Obama Doctrine, Made Plain at Last in Libya, Iraq
‎Anyone who wants to check NATO’s protection of civilians just needs to jump on a pick-up truck and go to Sirte – the new Fallujah. . . . Gaddafi would have been a most inconvenient guest of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, as he would have relished recalling all the hand-kissing, the warm embraces and the juicy deals the West was begging to clinch after he was promoted from “Mad Dog” (Ronald Reagan) to “our bastard”. He would also relish detailing all the shady backgrounds of those opportunists now posing as “revolutionaries” and “democrats”.

Goodbye Iraq? Not Exactly | War Is A Crime .org
There will, however, be U.S. troops remaining in Iraq. They simply will not be employed by the “Department of Defense” (as we call it, I’m not sure Iraqis call it that). Thousands of mercenaries will be employed by the State Department. Iraqi police will be trained to U.S. specifications on the U.S. taxpayers’ dime. We will maintain the world’s largest embassy. And I have to assume the CIA is not departing.


OccupyStream – All Occupy Wall Street Streams and IRC – Live Revolution

Occupy Together

Welcome to OCCUPY TOGETHER, an unofficial hub for all of the events springing up across the country in solidarity with Occupy Wall St.

We Are the 99 Percent
Brought to you by the people who occupy wall street. Why will YOU occupy?

PLEASE CIRCULATE WIDELY: If you are arrested at an Occupy Event, call the National Lawyers Guild: New York City: (212) 679-6018 Los Angeles: (323) 696-2299 Washington, DC: (202) 957 2445 Chicago: (773) 309-1198 San Francisco: (415) 285-1011 New Orleans: (504) 875-0019 Baltimore: (410) 205-2850 Minnesota: (612) 656-9108 Michigan: (313) 963-0843 Portland: (503) 902-5340 Boston: (617) 227-7335 Pennsylvania & Delaware: (267) 702-4654 Idaho: (208) 991-4324 Be very sure to write the applicable phone number in PERMANENT marker somewhere concealed on your body, protected from the elements. Do NOT assume you will be able to retrieve the number from a phone or a notebook. It is very likely you will be stripped of all your belongings.

What To Do If You’re Arrested at an Occupy Protest – Disorderly Conduct Laws

The resistance continues at Liberty Square and Nationwide!

Donate Money to #occupywallstreet

NYC General Assembly
The Official Website of the GA at #OccupyWallStreet

People of Color / #OccupyWallStreet
Created in response to the lack of racial diversity at #OccupyWallStreet with the purpose of developing critical consciousness within the movement and extending its reach to include those most affected by the current crisis. It is open to all who identify as people of color.

Occupy Wall St.: Immediate Needs
Comfort Committee’s Current NEEDS: thermal wear (especially smaller sizes), blankets, toiletries (especially toothpaste), hats & gloves, towels for showers We do NOT need more ponchos or space blankets. All donations can be sent to: The UPS Store Re: Occupy Wall Street 118A Fulton St. #205 New York, NY 10038

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