Chicago: Labor & Veterans Against War

NEW SPEAKERS: West Coast longshore official and New York AFSCME leader added to Jan. 10 labor & veterans antiwar panel in Chicago

Fri., Jan. 10, 7 pm
Chicago: Labor Voices and Veterans Against War
Teamsters Local 705 Auditorium, 300 S. Ashland Ave. (at Van Buren across parking lot)

We are pleased to confirm that the panel will include BRENDA STOKELY, President, AFSCME District Council 1707, co-convener of New York City Labor Against the War, whose antiwar statement was signed by over 1,000 trade unionists and played a key role in launching labor antiwar activism. Brenda will talk about how NYCLAW came together as well as its recent activities.

From the West Coast, we have TRENT WILLIS Business Agent, International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10 in San Francisco. The ILWU was recently locked out and forced to work under the anti-union Taft-Hartley Act. Trent will tell us how Local 10 members drew a connection between the war on dockworkers and the war drive against Iraq–and voted to pass a resolution opposing the U.S. war plans.

Our other speakers will speak from the powerful perspective of those who fought in Vietnam and returned to face the relentless attack on our unions by Corporate America:

BILL DAVIS is a former national coordinator of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, founded in 1967 and deeply involved in antiwar activity ever since. Bill is now chief shop steward for the International Association of Machinists at Chicago-area UPS facilities.

DAN LANE was a leading activist in the mid-1990s lockout of the UPIU at A.E. Staley in Decatur, Ill. As a “road warrior,” he traveled the country building solidarity for the “War Zone” struggles in Illinois in one of the most important labor battles in recent years. Dan is a veteran of two tours of duty in Vietnam.

For more information, please contact me at 312-829-0962 or e-mail me at

Joe Allen Shop Steward, UPS Teamsters Local 705

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